A tale of two testicles

The question that has destroyed all ABC (animal birth control) efforts in India since they began is the following; What is the right age to sterilize puppies?

The global answer is simple

-For Male Puppies- When you see em’, snip em’ . As soon as the testicles descend, male puppies are ready to be neutered. Advantages of neutering males early are the following-

            *They do not mark their territory as they haven’t achieved sexual maturity.

            *Male puppies heal in a maximum of two days (although we give them a full course of antibiotics) because their bodies are growing at such a rapid rate. The wound is so small that external stitches are not required (which cause infections in adults) and by the next morning one is hard-pressed to even locate the cut.

            *There are no chances of adopted stray dogs running away at 5-8 months (as dogs achieve sexual maturity at diff ages, just like humans do) as they don’t chase females.

            *There is very little territorial guarding against adult male dogs so lesser fights.

            *Eliminate the chances of prostrate cancer by 100%. 

-For Female puppies-Their ovaries fully develop at age of 3.5 to 4 months (indie dogs). That when they are ready to be spayed. To reduce mammary and ovarian cancer, AAHA recommends that puppies be spayed before their first heat-cycle. This also eliminates the chance of Ovarian cancer. 70 % of adult female deaths are attributable to Pyometra (infection of the uterus) at ABC units. If we remove the uterus before they achieve sexual maturity, there is no chance of Pyometra as adults.

Since female puppies achieve sexual maturity anywhere between 6 and 9 months (and sometimes even sooner) they are at the risk of getting pregnant on their first cycle and the over-population problem continues.

Hence both male and female puppies should be sterilized early. Internationally shelter pups are sterilized when they achieve a body weight of 4 Lbs (which is generally around 8 weeks of age). 

 So why is there a popular belief in India that all dogs should be sterilized after they achieve sexual maturity?

Animal Welfare Board of India guidelines to sterilize dogs states that we should sterilize male and female pups at 9 months of age. Hence this has become the mantra for all animal lovers without understanding the real reason behind it.

The roots of this belief can be traced to a very practical issue- In the early 1990’s when ABC programs were being made mandatory after the government understood for a fact that stray dog population can not be controlled by culling and mass-poisoning (besides being immoral). 

  1. They made guidelines that the visual method to determine which animal had been sterilized was to notch the ear of the dog. 
  2. They also realized that the municipal corporations do-not have the knowledge or the will to run a successful ABC program, hence it will have to be outsourced to a third party on a tender-rate (charge per dog) basis. 

Post this started the great Indian short cut that some of the contractors started taking.

            *They would pick up stray females and notch the ears and release them. Claiming the    dog as sterilized.

            *Lots of females with notched ears were reported as having litters.

As a solution AWBI came up with a practical idea. According to the new AWBI guidelines-

            *Post sterilization the sexual organs (ovaries and testicles) removed by the contractor’s vet will have to be preserved in formaldehyde.

            *At the end of every week/month the assigned inspector from Municipal Corporation     would count the organs and mark them in his register.

            *The organs would then be destroyed so they could not be double-counted.

            *The contractor would be paid on the basis of the organs counted.

While this solution took care of the problem of cheating by the contractors, it added a new problem regarding the organs of puppies.

            *The organs of the puppies (testicles and ovaries) are so tiny that when they are put in formaldehyde and like all organs when they shrink, these organs just dissolve.

            *Hence the contractors would not get paid for it and they complained to AWBI

This is when the AWBI guidelines were amended to include the 9 month rule.

Some other myths regarding sterilizing puppies are as follows

  1. Puppies are too weak to endure surgery.

            Every adult and puppy needs to be assessed prior to surgery for being fit for surgery. The only real way to do it is a physical exam (which is done for both adults and puppies) and a blood test to check for HB levels, WBC counts and Heart issues. Whether the subject is a puppy or an adult makes no difference to their eligibility for surgery

  • The Vets are not skilled enough to conduct surgeries on pups.

            This is a myth. While contractor’s vets use the cheapest materials including the cheapest anesthesia (Sodium Pentothal) and the cheapest suture material (silk) to keep their costs low and justify their business, most private vets have graduated to using a much lower risk anesthesia (Ketamine/Xylazine) and now even gas (Propophol/Isoflurane) and Vicryl sutures. Spay and Neuter surgeries are very routine and low risk.

            https://www.researchservices.umn.edu/services-name/research-animal-            resources/research-support/guidelines/anesthesia-dogs

  • Puppies who undergo surgeries face long-term health issues.

            There is a strange myth that puppies who get spayed early do not have good muscle, skeletal structure owing to lack of hormones. Progesterone and Testosterone are not growth hormones and in no way do they impede growth in dogs. The lack of them does make males less aggressive (which is a good thing)

            There is research showing some females spayed early become incontinent in the latter part of their lives. This besides being unproven and at best retroactive research.  Even if      this were true, incontinence is not a problem for a dog living on the street. The benefits             easily outweigh this issue (which is still unproven).


The question that has destroyed all ABC (animal birth control) efforts in India since they began is the following; What is the right age to sterilize puppies?

The global answer is simple

-For Male Puppies- When you see em’, sinp em’ . As soon as the testicles descend, male puppies are ready to be neutered. Advantages of neutering males early are the following-

            *They do not mark their territory as they haven’t achieved sexual maturity.

            *Male puppies heal in a maximum of two days (although we give them a full course of antibiotics) because their bodies are growing at such a rapid rate. The wound is so small that external stitches are not required (which cause infections in adults) and by the next             morning one is hard-pressed to even locate the cut.

            *There are no chances of adopted stray dogs running away at 5-8 months (as dogs achieve sexual maturity at diff ages, just like humans do) as they don’t chase females.

            *There is very little territorial guarding against adult male dogs so lesser fights.

            *Eliminate the chances of prostrate cancer by 100%. 

-For Female puppies-Their ovaries fully develop at age of 3.5 to 4 months (indie dogs). That when they are ready to be spayed. To reduce mammary and ovarian cancer, AAHA recommends that puppies be spayed before their first heat-cycle. This also eliminates the chance of Ovarian cancer. 70 % of adult female deaths are attributable to Pyometra (infection of the uterus) at ABC units. If we remove the uterus before they achieve sexual maturity, there is no chance of Pyometra as adults.

Since female puppies achieve sexual maturity anywhere between 6 and 9 months (and sometimes even sooner) they are at the risk of getting pregnant on their first cycle and the over-population problem continues.

Hence both male and female puppies should be sterilized early. Internationally shelter pups are sterilized when they achieve a body weight of 4 Lbs (which is generally around 8 weeks of age). 

 So why is there a popular belief in India that all dogs should be sterilized after they achieve sexual maturity?

Animal Welfare Board of India guidelines to sterilize dogs states that we should sterilize male and female pups at 9 months of age. Hence this has become the mantra for all animal lovers without understanding the real reason behind it.

The roots of this belief can be traced to a very practical issue- In the early 1990’s when ABC programs were being made mandatory after the government understood for a fact that stray dog population can not be controlled by culling and mass-poisoning (besides being immoral). 

  1. They made guidelines that the visual method to determine which animal had been sterilized was to notch the ear of the dog. 
  2. They also realized that the municipal corporations do-not have the knowledge or the will to run a successful ABC program, hence it will have to be outsourced to a third party on a tender-rate (charge per dog) basis. 

Post this started the great Indian short cut that some of the contractors started taking.

            *They would pick up stray females and notch the ears and release them. Claiming the dog as sterilized.

            *Lots of females with notched ears were reported as having litters.

As a solution AWBI came up with a practical idea. According to the new AWBI guidelines-

            *Post sterilization the sexual organs (ovaries and testicles) removed by the contractor’s vet will have to be preserved in formaldehyde.

            *At the end of every week/month the assigned inspector from Municipal Corporation would count the organs and mark them in his register.

            *The organs would then be destroyed so they could not be double-counted.

            *The contractor would be paid on the basis of the organs counted.

While this solution took care of the problem of cheating by the contractors, it added a new problem regarding the organs of puppies.

            *The organs of the puppies (testicles and ovaries) are so tiny that when they are put in formaldehyde and like all organs when they shrink, these organs just dissolve.

            *Hence the contractors would not get paid for it and they complained to AWBI

This is when the AWBI guidelines were amended to include the 9 month rule.

Some other myths regarding sterilizing puppies are as follows

  1. Puppies are too weak to endure surgery.

            Every adult and puppy needs to be assessed prior to surgery for being fit for surgery. The only real way to do it is a physical exam (which is done for both adults and puppies) and a blood test to check for HB levels, WBC counts and Heart issues. Whether the subject is a puppy or an adult makes no difference to their eligibility for surgery

  • The Vets are not skilled enough to conduct surgeries on pups.

            This is a myth. While contractor’s vets use the cheapest materials including the cheapest anesthesia (Sodium Pentothal) and the cheapest suture material (silk) to keep their costs low and justify their business, most private vets have graduated to using a much lower risk anesthesia (Ketamine/Xylazine) and now even gas (Propophol/Isoflurane) and Vicryl sutures. Spay and Neuter surgeries are very routine and low risk.

            https://www.researchservices.umn.edu/services-name/research-animal-            resources/research-support/guidelines/anesthesia-dogs

  • Puppies who undergo surgeries face long-term health issues.

            There is a strange myth that puppies who get spayed early do not have good muscle, skeletal structure owing to lack of hormones. Progesterone and Testosterone are not growth hormones and in no way do they impede growth in dogs. The lack of them does make males less aggressive (which is a good thing)

            There is research showing some females spayed early become incontinent in the latter part of their lives. This besides being unproven and at best retroactive research. Even if this were true, incontinence is not a problem for a dog living on the street. The benefits  easily outweigh this issue (which is still unproven).




Punjabis show more affection to their dogs than their spouses.

Have you ever caught yourself petting your partner like you would pet an animal? But if you’re about to give your spouse a belly rub; STOP

Your romantic life might be in serious jeopardy.

Affection and the Indian psyche have never seen eye to eye.

From lack of public display of affection (PDA) to instinctively folding hands v/s shaking them (which we claim as a victory in the COVID-19 times). The weird semi pairi-paena (more like a ‘gode nu hath launa) to the inability to say ‘I love you’ to most people; we have had weird social, cultural and safety barriers to showing affection.

But not your pets.

For the love of dog, show him affection.

In these times of lock-down and spending prolonged extended time with your pet while he is unable to go for long walks; what can we do to keep the dog happy?

Dogs become one dimensional when they have to stay at home and not go for daily walks. You see, the walk around the block to a dog is like reading the daily newspaper:

-Does this scent belong to an intruder animal. Is it even dog or cat pee?

-Which animal not from my gang came into my territory?

-The brown stray down the road still has a bad stomach.

-Why is the guard who always says hi to me not on duty this morning?

-Has the milkman left? Why isn’t the postman around anymore?

-Which neighbourhood animal is on heat?

You take that away from an animal and you’re taking away their only source of entertainment because the TV doesn’t mean much to them; nor does the food take more than 30 seconds to devour. Take 18 hours out of the 24 hours for napping and the 15 minutes of attention the owners give to them in a day, you still have a lot of free time left to do nothing.

Or to whine and sulk.

Or to be intrusive, boorish, assertive and maybe destructive.

Screw the “Good Boy”.

Here are a few things we can do to keep our pets happy during lock-down.

  1. Create a game for him which rewards him (with treats) to use his mind & efforts.

-A rotating tube which dispenses treats by spinning. (specially if you are good at    making items with your hands)


-A ball on a pole/ tree that one (and preferably 2 or 3) dog can play with.

-A kong toy with treats tricking out or peanut butter pasted on the inside.

2)  If you have a treadmill at home, you can teach your dog to use it.


3)  Teach your dog a new trick. You have the time and with a little help from you-tube  you can teach him a new trick. Dos love learning new tricks with positive reinforcement and treats. They are motivated by;




-Pleasing the owner (most dogs learn new tricks because of the praise & joy



  4)  Consider getting a friend for your pet. This can be done in one of the following ways

-A friend’s dog for extended play-dates.

-A stray friend- If your dog loves a stray dog while they walk, consider bringing them in and allowing them to play in your yard. Dogs do not carry the COVID-19 virus and the dog would love to go back on the street once he is done because all animals love their freedom more than anything else.

-Foster a sick, injured or orphaned puppy. Most dogs allow a puppy into their household and take them under their wing. The new dog needs to be introduced to your pet in the right manner (a neutral turf for meeting, walk the animals together, monitor)

-Adopting another animal. This might be the best time to adopt another animals because you can monitor their success into your home. Most animal love growing up with other animals.


5) Notice 5 Characteristics in your dog that you might have missed on account of staying busy (ok to do with your spouse and children too).

6) Give your dog the time of your life by massaging it.

Imagine never being able to stick your finger or a q-tip in your ear, or getting a facial, or wring your hands. There are some advantages evolution has given due to having opposable thumbs. Now use them to help a brother out.

You will bond with your animal in an amazing way if you dip into some baby oil and massage the dog. You can get him to any trick if he knows that the reward is a massage.



            It’s the most amazing couple therapy that you and your dog will get and if you do it with your spouse helping you, it will be the best couples therapy all of you get.

When you decided to get get married to your spouse you took away their chance of getting romantic affection from most people except you. The COVID-19 has taken away their chance of showing affection to family and friends (not that we do a stellar job of it to begin with).

With almost all affection being taken away from your spouse, it is YOUR JOB and your RESPONSIBILITY to show them affection.

By taking an animal away from its family and the chance of it getting affection from another human, it is not your JOB and RESPONSIBILITY to show it affection. And keep it happy and healthy.

A happy dog is a healthy dog. Much like with spouses; it leads to a healthy relationship.

Dependency is Slavery for Humans and Animals

Snip20200327_59He smoothed his collar, “Baby, now why would you work for a measly salary after we get married? I make enough money for the both of us.”

She looked at the corner of his upturned mouth, Oh he loves me so. If I marry him I will never get—


He just created a dependency that you are surely going to rue for the rest of your life. You don’t know it yet—but trust me, you will.


My limited understanding of feminism tells me that all forms of dependencies are exploitations waiting to happen.

Women don’t need a man to do anything for them. They are fully capable of doing everything for themselves, men just need to get their asses out of their way and not impede them with patriarchy, dependencies, cultures, traditions, stereotypes etc.

On an even playing field they are fully capable of taking care of themselves. They have the intelligence, abilities, desires, motivation, strength to do whatever they want.




She wrapped her dupatta around her arm and knelt, “Oh look at that cute dog, he looks so hungry and sad.” She reached for her stash of dog food while she traced the area between his eyes and gave his ear a gentle rub.

The dog moaned in pleasure. Lady, you have no idea how good it feels to get an ear rub… if you don’t have opposing thumbs you are—


She just created a dependency.


My substantial understanding of the animal world tells me that all forms of dependencies are dysfunctional. Animals did not want humans to do ANYTHING for them. They were fully capable of doing everything themselves. We just needed to get our asses out of their way and not impede them with domestication, dependencies, cultures, traditions, slaughter, forcible breeding, stereotypes etc.

On an even playing field they are fully capable of taking care of themselves. They have intelligence, abilities, motivation and strength to do whatever they want.


We think animals are stupid.

We believe in India that stray dogs will not survive without food.

We fail to realize the most basic part of nature. The law of survival. The rule of the jungle.


Animals do not have sex for pleasure. All animals have sex for just one reason: TO PROCREATE.

Case in point- EVERY animal comes on heat at the time of copulation and conception.

EVERYONE except humans.

We are the ONLY species who has sex for pleasure.


All animals multiply based on the food available, so if you are feeding an animal; here is the message you are sending to them.


-and sure enough they have been complying for decades in India. Dogs and Cows. We have the highest number of domesticated animals in the world (75 Crores) that’s 0.75 Billion (with a B)


All animals know how to find food. Trust them and their natural instincts. Their instincts are much much much better than ours. Please do not make them dependent on us.

In Michigan the hunting season works like this;

All winter they feed deer at stations. These stations close (by law) just before hunting season starts. The deer come to the station looking for food and that’s where the hunters are waiting for them with their telescopic rifles.


Similarly, dog-feeding in India works like so;

Animal lovers feed street dogs.

Dogs consider the feeding location their home. In the dog’s mind he’s a pet. In the feeder’s mind, he’s a stray animal.

The dog guards its territory, starts pooping a few houses down the street and barks at anyone crossing ‘his’ house.

The neighbors start complaining. People get into fights. Animals lovers stop feeding the dogs or worse still move away from the locality.

The dogs starve or neighbors hit or poison them

The dependency has led to their downfall.

We should feed lactating mothers, orphaned puppies, sick or injured dogs, special needs dogs who can not hunt for food. But when they are healthy- wean them off the food. Or they will continue to be dependent and get lazier.

As an Animal Welfare Officer, I get at least 10 calls a day about human-animal conflict caused by this human-human behavior.

But Animal Lovers do not get it. Because they love to point the finger at ‘the others’.

They feed because it makes them feel better. Just like the dependency made the woman feel better before she got married and fucked her later on in life. That’s basic co-dependency.

Just that in a street dogs case. This dependency gets them beaten or killed or their young puppies get dislocated.

Then why feed?

Because it makes us feel better about ourselves.

We do it because that what WE need, not because that’s what the ANIMAL needs.

So are we ‘animal lovers’ or just ‘self-aggrandizing self lovers’ in camouflage.

Animals need vaccinations to protect them from ‘domestication’ diseases (foot mouth disease/ glanders/ parvo/ distemper…the list is endless).

Animals need us to stop feeding them so there is less of them to compete for the food available for them. Failing which and in the abundance of garbage, they need sterilizing.

So either they need us to be a neat and clean country or they lose their cojones.

But since we continue to be filthy and we feed and we don’t sterilize (as much as we should);

we cause them relentless harm.

Covid-19 has brought this issue to the forefront. When the country is facing lockdown we are risking human life and a pandemic virus to violate curfew and seen feeding passes because we have now CREATED A MONSTER.

But what happens when the threat is over, we will surely go back to feeding them.

And we will justify it. Just like we justify everything else. We will claim that we cant stop now or else they will starve (we still do not trust their superior instincts).

But in reality we will make the next generation dependent on us by feeding them too.

WE WILL CONTINUE SCREWING OVER THE STREET DOGS and we will blame the Animal haters for being the culprits and on social media will call them all sorts of names.

Be responsible.

Keep their future in mind.


-Trust their abilities and intelligence. Just like feminism teaches you to FUCK patriarchy.

The animals have evolved…

Have we ??



Ami Dating KoroNa- Ramble Korbae



Corvid-19 is some serious s**t

But to Panic or not to panic is the trillion dollar question (which post some Trumpish economic stimuli threatens to be the 2 trillion dollar question).

The mis-information out there is mindboggling.

  • From being told that the Virus came from Animals. But so did the HIV Virus- but we took it over like nobody’s business. We own it, we mollycoddled it and we nurtured it to be let loose into this world. We are the champions, no room for monkeys. We are the champions, my friends

Monkey see…Monkey Do


  • Drinking Goumutra (cow-urine) will protect you against Corona-Virus ; I seriously have no words to address this absurdity.

  • Someone is blaming a singer because she attended some parties post being infected. Meanwhile we share on social media pictures, addresses and full names (and adhar card numbers) of infected people in the city. We’re treating the affecting families as social outcasts and have been hitting the panic button like a junkie hitting a joint.


  • We’re practicing a quarantine within a home. It’s a good test of how much you trust your partner or spouse. Safe sex and safe affection (ie the flying kiss) in the name of prevention which is better than the monkey cure (from above)


  • Single people and introverts are using the Covid-19 as the PERFECT excuse to justify their isolationist lifestyle. Netflix subscriptions, amazon prime, TV dinners for 1; Businesses are flourishing. Invest in these stocks.


Dating has gone for a toss. You must specify in your Tinder profile that you are Covid-negative. And this profile someone will read. We’ve started reading profiles… what has the virus reduced us to ??


If you show up to have meet and greet coffee wearing a mask, you will be seen as either a safe bet or she would assume you’re wearing a condom too.

Men have morphed from being dogs to being monkeys.

If you throw caution to the wind and shake her hand, you will be quite the risk-taking maverick… or a self-centered S.O.B—but you can quickly add that you’ve never really washed your hands every time you’ve urinated in public- hence its no big-deal.

Also your junk that could’ve given you the HIV cannot be transmitted by touch.

But monkey-butt can.


This Holi- Play With my Favorite Color- I dare you !!


Green represents Islam, Saffron; Hindus & white is harmony. Is green or saffron on top. Is my flag upside down?

Blue is for boys, pink for girls, yellow for friendship and red for love.

Stereotyping is for a**holes.

I love Vibgyor; the flag that LGBTQs identify with because they live tolerance. The colours do not represent them, they represent the colours.


I don’t have to be gay to be represented by the flag. Anyone who stands for love, peace, kindness and tolerance is represented by it.

I’ll change my favourite colour now.

My favourite colour is Tolerance.


The ‘B’ Plan


Work is worship! I’m an atheist.

My perfect hairy black right leg is bent at the knee and perched on the other. The smell of warm syrup over pancakes wafts into my nostrils as I sip the yellow fluid.

Aah this is the good lif—


–What The Flower? I swivel my neck. “Kaun hai, bhidu?”

My supervisor is hovering right over me, “Monarda, You’re the laziest, the most irresponsible, the most vile–”

“—Thaamba bhai log.” I flash my badge. “Don’t forget I’m the leader of the union.”

The nerve on his neck bulges, “A union? A union of one?”

“Not one, several we’re uniting to ruin the life of ManiFornica.”

“How dare you take her name in vain. You will respect Madame Manikarnika.”

I flip my middle finger at his face, “Madame can go f–”

“This… this insolent behavior will be reported, Monarda.”

I turn my ass to him and wiggle it. Then I slap it with my open palm and make a sizzling sound followed by the perking of my lips and a smacking kiss. “She can kiss my–”

My fat supervisor waddles his way out of the cell.

A few of my friends gather around me, their eyes showing a variety of emotions ranging from false concern to I care-a-damn.

The ugliest one starts, “Why do you disrespect Madame? After all she is the reason why we all do the work that we do.”

“None of you suckers know your own worth. You know what you do? You make others have sex. Others who can not have sex without your help. You’re the sole reason why the worlds economy runs smoothly. All because you are an assistant in sex. Without you…”

“No sex…?” the monstrously obese one smiles.

“Yes, you ostentatious bastard. And what does she do? Nothing.” I point to ManiArnica’s photo, “You all work your sorry assess off all year just so Madame Middle-leg over here can sell your product off to the highest bidder.”

The nerd clears his throat, “But we’re just followers. What can we do?”

“Protest, you doofuses! Protest.” I shake my fist. “It is time to rise against this cruelty. If it isn’t bad enough that all the pesticides, insecticides and pollution is destroying us.”

“Then why do we help others have sex. Why don’t we have sex ourselves?” the eternal virgin sticks his tongue out.

“Its because of ManiScrewika’s pheromones.” I take a deep whiff of the dense air. “I think she’s too old and she has crabs.”

The waspy looking nerd shuts his ears. “Don’t say that’s she’s our leader, she’s the–”

“Not for long. It’s time we have a new Madam.It is time the old gave way to the new and I know who is the right choice. My Black-eyed Susan is perfect.” I flip to her picture, “Hoochie-wa-wa. Kya maal hai. When she bears my babies, we will kill the old madam and crown Susan.”

“But we will always remain just workers. That is how a well-oiled machine works.” The ugly one bobs his head again.

“Not me. My boo’s going to be my sugar-mama.”




O Susana. I’m so crazy lovin’ you.

O Susan baby… mmm mmm mmm…

I slick the beeswax over my short China black hair and gyrate my ass in front of my reflection. “A hump, a hump…and a pump. Ooooo Susana. Your’e mine mine mine, all mine.”

Perfection. Monarda. Perfection. No wonder Susan can’t resist you.

I hurry over to Susan. Her canary yellow dress and the black phantom mask over her perfectly set eyes makes my mandible drop down to my knees.

“Oh Monarda,” she sighs, “I can’t compete with Manikarnika.”

“Come on Susie, baby. Tu totta hai, she’s an old hag.” All my eyes stare into all of hers. “You’re the future. She’s old and saggy. Your abs on the other hand…” I run my hand on her perfectly flat—“WTF? Daaaammnnn. You’re putting on some weight babe.”

She pushes my hand, her mouth curls in anger “I have to tell you something…” she holds her head, “I am…I’m…well… You know the other day when we met behind the colony … I told you …it wasn’t the right time.”

“What are you saying to me? You can not be—Are you?”

“Yes.” She smiles at me.”

“Ohnononononono… No No No…. O hell No.” I shake my head. “Susie, baby, honeypot. Tell me that’s not true.”

Her eyes bear the sorrow, surprise and loss of faith of the entire world, “I thought, you’d be happy.”

“Happy? Sus, we’re fucked.”

“No Mondarda, we fucked. Now we’re going to be a family.”

I count up to ten and turn back to face her. ”Susan. You and me, we’re made for bigger things. This is not the right time. Nobody should know about us.”

“Monarda, get your head out of your arse, the entire colony knows about us.”

The entire colony! These bozos are just fucking idiots who will never learn. A perfectly oiled machine; my black hairy ass.

“Susan, the inhabitants of the colony just think about their own sorry families. They don’t look beyond their microcosm.”

“We will have our family too in this colony.”

“This colony? Sus..we’re going to rule this colony.” I squeeze her hand. “Remember the rule? When every body votes you as the new Madam, then you get pregnant and we can have as many babies as you want. Not before that, honeybuns.”

“You’ve said this to me a million times. Yada yaada yaada. We kill Manikarnika after I have the babies and all the other aspirants who want to be Madam.” A tear rolls down her face and rests over her mouth wetting her minute whiskers. “Don’t you understand. I don’t want to kill my friends.”

“Even if that means that we continue to lose 40% of our lot and becomes extinct 8 times faster than any other? The rate at which the world pollution is decimating us and Idiots like the US president deny climate change. Our very own Chief Minister just institutes a weird odd-even rule for cars. We should migrate our colony to Chandigarh.”

“Move Hive Haven to Chandigarh? You must be crazy.”

Hive Haven? Goodness who was the bozo who named our colony that? We’re just a bunch of idiots with shanty-holes for homes.

“At-least they have flowers there. Ever heard of the Rose-garden?”

“So I kill all my friends and become the Madam, bear your children,become the new Madam and move to Chandigarh. Is THAT the plan?”

“Yes, we’ll go on strike.” No more mindless droning and slogging and collecting honey for the humans just so they steal it from us to put our food on their cakes and bread and…”

“But Monarda, a decline in pollination is a threat to nature. If there are no fruits, what will insects eat and if there are no insects how will reptiles survive and without reptiles there’ll be more rodents and with more rodents–”

“—More crop damage.” I rest my forewings on hers. “Then the humans will use more fertilizers and chemicals to kill more insects and harm their own bodies and earth with the poisonous chemicals.” These chutiyas are so doomed.

Black-eyed Susan sighs, “Without pollination the crops won’t yield plants. We are the only species that allows the flower to have sex with itself. How can these humans not see it? Why are they killing us with the chemicals and the pollution?”

“Because these assholes can’t see beyond their own noses. They’re smart.” Fucking evolution.

Her voice falters, “And the sericulture?Goodness!”

Yep. The dreaded S word. They will put our hives in boxes. They’ll wear white body suits and steal our honey. Any we can’t stop stinging them. I’ve begged them not to sting. But it’s so damn instinctive for them. They will sting and lose their lives and be cleaned off the floor in thousands every evening.

I use my hand to wipe away my tears. “Susan, baby we’ve got to stop this. We’ve got to have you become our new Queen.

For once we have to get out of the drone mindset and go on a fly-down strike.

For once we have to stop working mindlessly and not consider work as worship.

Let humans get their own honey from somewhere else. My grandpa said his grandpa from 72 generations ago told him how once Chandigarh was lush with flowers. How the rose-festival had more roses than…

Susan coughs back her tear. “My Gammy used to say bees are responsible for 400 species of agricultural plants and species and one in six of the worlds flowering plants would be extinct without us.” She places her hind-wing on my Thorax.

“We should produce just enough honey for ourselves and stop making hives. Disband our colonies or make them in jungles and pollinate just the jungles. Let’s wait for the humans to either get their own honey or till they find a way to cut down our jungles and our colonies to make more of theirs.

To achieve the greater goal my Sweets, we have to abort our children and kill Manikarnika and make you the Queen. I know what I’m asking you to do is hard but it for the greater good”…




I sharpen my sting on the pumice stone and pace up and down my cell. In another month we drones will be cast away for from this hive by the females. We must act quickly to convince the females that ManiFornicator is old as hell and needs to go. But today…

I run the tip of my finger around the drop of the queen’s pheromone laced with Anarchy. It’s a potent concoction of chemicals and genes that is guaranteed to kill the eggs. I drop another smidge of Anarchy and stir it.

Is it too much Monarda?I’m fully aware that excess of Anarchy can easily kill Susan. I walk over to the second drop and toss lots of Anarchy in it. Aah this will certainly get the decrepit old witch.

Soon the world will see a new colony of bees. Not workers but game change—

Bzzzzz the stray ray of light coming from the east wing creates a halo around her perfect head. Her round luscious ass sashays in the air, inviting, intoxicating…

I hope she doesn’t die today but if she does Lavender Lilly will have to do. The plan must go on.

Her eyes are puffy, her wings are loose by her sides. “Monarda, are yousure–”

“Yes sweetie, we will have more babies. This is to save the– uggghhhhh.”

I clutch my aorta as the pale straw coloured blood oozes out. “Susie… you told… HER.”

I start to gag, trying to clear my head and my vision. I blink all my eyes to focus on Manikarnika hovering over me.

I pull out a stinger out of my neck. The now amber coloured fluid oozing out over my slimy fingers.

“It’s called ‘Nature’s Balance’, Monarda,” Manikarnika touches my shoulder. You just don’t see it. That’s the way it is meant to be.”

My world starts swimming around me and I hear sounds coming from a space above me.

“But the humans–” I gag at Susie, who is leaning against the wall.

“—Yes, Moni..the humans don’t see it because of their parochial outlook.” She chokes back a tear. “Adopt the peace of Nature, my boy. Her secret is patience. You are far too anxious to create change in an un-natural way. That is exactly what the humans are doing. They forget nature and you are instigating our drones to do the same.” Her wings encompass my fading light. “This world doesn’t belong to any one species. We all work in unision for our Mother Earth.”

A peace falls over me as she kisses my forehead. The silence of nature is very real. It rummages through my body and into my soul.




There’s something about a fresh start that we all love.

Come January, we all make resolutions – This year I will do….

–From gym memberships to spa’s to running clubs to psychiatrist offices, yoga studios to de-addiction centers to social upstarts, every business is on the upswing.

What’s it about a fresh start?

It is our chance at a “do-over”

Essentially, it is the time of ‘unfucking’.


We’re all born Unfucked.

But we start fucking ourselves as we grow up. The more we complicate our life the lesser our sheen becomes, till we’re just a lack-lusture version of ourselves.


But we have hope every new year; it’s a time of revival and a time to start afresh.

But why don’t we win the battle?


The answer is simple- Because we don’t unfuck ourselves first.

We are always stuck in our own way- we have patented an approach.

We just blindly follow it with minor modifications; but the end result is always the same

-We complicate relationships with our parents, with our lovers, with our siblings, with our teachers, with our children, our neighbours.

We really fuck up our social lives.

All we can think about is what am “I going to get” out of this relationship. We want the other person to give without wanting to give ourselves, its always about what can I take, what can I get, how can I get one over this person. And the best is that we all come out of a relationship feeling like the martyr and the wronged one. Not once do we stop and take a look at our own fucked up mind

-So how do we start unfucking ourselves?

The answer is simple- Go Vegan


Being Vegan is not about the food you eat, in fact that’s only 25% of being Vegan. It is a lifestyle change based on love, compassion, understanding, care and all things we knew as children but lost somewhere down the line.

This January as the new year rolls in, Try Vegan. It will change your life.

We celebrate ‘Veganuary’ all January to favour a new start. Give yourself one month; just  30 days of a new lifestyle that will unfuck you in ways you never imagined.


Here are some  simple aspects of cause and effect-

  • Speciesism and the fucked human-

-Put a baby in a room with a piglet, a chick, a kitten, a puppy and a calf.

Do you think it will know which one to pet and which one to eat? It cant make a distinction, so it will try to love them all.

But here is when  the ‘fucked minds’ begin to develop…

We teach the baby:

‘This is food, this we can be cruel to. But this is a pet, this we must love.’

This has a hoof, but this has a paw. Our fucked up mind see’s the difference- not the similarity that both animals need it to walk. Our minds are constantly trained to see the distinctions not the similarity


-That’s how we trick and train  the toddler and a young compassionate mind who loves all animals into eating meat by ‘not telling’ them that its really a dead animal in the red box of crispy over-fried cholesterol laden chicken. Or how the animal suffered and was brutally murdered. How the animal needed its leg more than the 2 minutes it took us to eat the flesh.

-We make the child addicted to the spices, fat (butter) and salt on the meat and then we crib about a child being obese. The child gets addicted to the flesh and fat and salt and then it finds out that ‘oops’ it’s a dead animal I’ve eaten.


-We teach a child insensitivity but we don’t realize it till the child becomes a teen and shows some insensitivity to us. We wonder where it got that from?

FVCKED (as the romans would spell)

Make a pledge this Veganuary, to give up meat and ‘unfuck’ your life.


  • Environment and the fucked up human

-India is one of the filthiest countries in the world- bar none. Firstly, we need to own it.

-The meat/dairy industry is the biggest polluter of water (poop and pee), air (methane from cow-farts) and soil (from deforestation to feed corn to dairy).

-We learn how to keep out house clean, but we leave garbage on the street. We leave plates after we eat, we throw packets of snacks and biscuits, we toss empty water bottles, we throw garbage in polyethylene. We fuck up the environment.

-But in reality we are fucking up ourselves. And the world we will give our children.

-Will we ever resolve to not litter in the new year?

-Will we not drink milk and increase demand for dairy and pollute our environment, just to enable exporting beef to the rest of the world?

-Imagine that we take our babies of our boob and put it on the udder of a cow. Nature gave the mother all the nutrition a baby needs in it’s mothers milk. Nature did the same for the cow and the lioness and the sheep and the elephant. But its almost like we don’t trust our own milk. So we have to steal the calf’s milk.

Millions of calves starve because of the milk, ghee, butter, lassi, mithai, chocolates, cheese that we eat.

Being cruel and indifferent to someone pain and suffering will only FCUK us up further.

Unfuck yourself this Veganuary and get a fresh start in life.


  • Health and the loss of it.

The Dalai Lama when asked what baffles him most about mankind said, ““Man.
Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.”

-According to experts there are only 2 addictions in life, “Salt and Sugar”. When we eat fatty food it is broken down in sugars. So is alcohol (hence alcoholics who give up alcohol usually substitute it with sugary foods)

-We eat animal based food and ingest the hormones we give them to make them bigger, antibiotics we give them to stay healthy in filthy conditions and their unsaturated fat and cholesterol.

-Then we wonder why our children have heavy beards in their teens or girls achieve puberty years before we did.

-We are making ourselves and our children sick and the doctors and pharmaceutical industry wants to keep us sick because its profitable to them.

In this case we let others fucks and and we get fucked.

-Food has become a fashion statement and a ‘socializing’ thing rather than merely fuel to survive. There are more restaurants and eateries registered in Chandigarh than any other business by a ratio of 3:1.

We have royally screwed ourselves. ‘What the health?’

Choose Veganuary for 1 month and see the difference in your health.



When my life as a vegan is no more important than a dogs life or an elephants life or a frog’s or a donkeys, then by default , my life is not more important than a woman’s, or a child’s or an older persons. Inclusivity and tolerance becomes a standard for all vegans.

To me it doesn’t matter if you are tall or short, fat or slim, black or white or brown or bald or bespectacled, I love you and respect you just the same.

THAT is the sort of Unfucking we need.



The major ingredient of happiness are;

-Good sleep (physical health)

-Good food (physical health)

–Good relationships (mental health)

-Kindness and compassions (mental health)

-Good fiscal health (we remain unfucked if it is ethical too)

Lets go back to a time where life gets simplified.

Let’s “Unfuck ourselves”

Try Veganuary- It will change your life:

We ‘unfucking’ guarantee it.

WhatsApp Image 2018-12-31 at 9.10.35 PM





Of Diwali and a Diwalia (bankrupt) Mind


The corruption of a nation is complete when bribing becomes a part of culture and a corruption of mind is complete when we can not spot the difference between bribing and kindness.

This morning while I was speaking to a friend over the phone, she said in the most non-chalant manner, “I’m at the parking lot and my parking guy is giving me a good parking spot at the Khan Market.”

I paused while wiping the down the top of my refrigerator, “you have a parking guy?”

“Yes. He helps me get a good spot–”

“—in return of?”

Her tone went to a sing-song voice. “Obviously, I give him Diwali, na.”

“So you pay him extra for doing what he gets paid to do.”

“Yes, because he does a good job for me.”

I sat down on my low-profile dining table, “You realize that you’re bribing him.”


My fingers pinch the bridge of my nose, “Not non-sense. When you give someone extra money to do what they are supposed to do so that you get some preferential treatment; that is the definition of a bribe.”

“Yes, but I like my spots he–”

“—and what have you done in life to get ‘preferential treatment’? Are you paraplegic, in any way disabled, an army veteran?”

She stuttered “No, I’m … I’m–”


She gulped “Well, yes but–”

“–This term; ‘Preferential treatment’ over others has plagued our country for centuries. The only preference he has for you is that you have more money than him. You don’t give him Diwali, you bribe him. But guess what when you go to your CEO and expect a Diwali bonus- guess what you are doing?”


I shook my head, “you’re asking for a bribe to do what you are paid to do anyway. If you wouldn’t get that bonus it makes you feel shortchanged. Then you slack at work. In effect you only work for the bonus. That’s slacking, 101.”

She turned off her SUV, “that is true, Inder. It seems like we all seek our Diwali from WHOEVER has more money than us.”

That is our culture, bribing. Like most things we do wrong, we want to blame this on the British and colonialism but somewhere this tradition had infested our minds even before they got to the Indian peninsula.

When we walk into a 5-star hotel, the durban (gate-man) salutes us. To me nothing can be more shameless than that.

Who am I?

What have I ever done in my life to deserve a salute?

A salute: the most sacred of gestures to servicemen and women of a nation who dedicate their lives to its well-being. They deserve salutes. I deserve to salute each and every one of them. Any person who does his job with dedication and pride, I need to salute them. If the guard or watchman of the hotel took pride in the safety of its customers, it should be me saluting him.

The only reason he salutes me is because I have more money than him. But how much more. Is double what he have enough for him to make him salute me. Is ten times enough or 30 times? Where is that line in the sand?

The truth is that its in his mind. Servitude is so deeply ingrained in his tissues and his soul that he just accepts that he’s inferior. Isn’t that the worst form of oppression. To be oppressed to such a degree that one doesn’t even feel oppressed?


Somewhere during this long pause my friend has hung up the phone and my thoughts are disrupted by a knock on the door.

I open the door and the trash collectors are there. They point out to the floor outside the apartment door where I’d left some trash for them. The one with a 3 day stubble starts, “Your maid had left some dust outside the garbage bag after she wept–”

I hold up my hand, “Arre nahi, I don’t have a maid. I sweep the apartment myself. I’m sorry, will clean it up.”

Nahi-nahi, sahib, I’ve already cleaned it.” He flashes a broad grin, “You haven’t given me my Diwali yet, so I thought…” he extends his palm out.

My mind says 23 whatthefucks in 2 seconds. “Sorry dude, I don’t celebrate Diwali so I don’t pay anyone to do what they should take pride in doing.”

As I shut the door on their glazed over faces I can imagine the conversations they’ll be having about me behind my back.

I would sooner hug him and make him feel like an equal than give him a few rupees to cement the fact in his mind that he’s in any way inferior to me.

I flop into my low set couch and suddenly I can’t stop crying. A deep sigh that started from my soul has grown into a wail by the time it escapes my lips.

“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high,” The nobel laureate Tagore had said in his epic Chitto Jetha Bhayshunyo

“Where knowledge is free.

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments

By narrow domestic walls

Where words come out from the depth of truth

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection

Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way

Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit

Where the mind is led forward by thee

Into ever-widening thought and action

Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let  my country awake.”




What do animals in pain need from us?

They need JUST ONE person too see them.


Amritsar Junction”, Cindy squinted her eyes to focus on the yellow board the train was approaching. She thumbed the well-worn ‘Lonely planet’, guide she had purchased from the Delhi airport 20 days ago. ‘The city of a pond full of divine syrup’ – the loosest translation of this North Indian City of Punjab. A holy city for the Sikhs which houses the magnificent golden temple, made of solid gold, surrounded by the pond of holy water. For centuries its been a city the most important site of pilgrimage to the Sikhs.


Kindness and Compassion is the cornerstone of the 350-year old Sikh religion. Cindy is looking to expand her views about spirituality and diversity infused from her own sense of anti-speciesism. She is expecting to be enlightened.

As she steps out of the station she hears a low whine. A dog is lying on a mound of construction sand. His light brown fur is highlighted by spackles of blood. His black ears are curled backwards almost stuck to his big head. When she see’s his hind leg a sigh escapes her lips. All she can see is a stump. His leg is missing from halfway down with a wound bleeding, raw and infested with maggots.

She stops in her tracks and bends down to touch his head. He whines in pain. Cindy’s belief in humanity takes an instant hit. The lonely planet guide drops from her lifeless hand as she puts the hand to her trembling lips. “Who did this to you?” she forces back her tears.

In the next instant she gets up and shrieks, “Who did this to this dog? What has happened to him?” she looks around in a hysterical voice. “What the heck happened to this dog?” she shrieks till the station master comes running towards her.

After they’ve brought her a third glass of water the station master tells her of a story based on hearsay that a drunk person had come to the station one night and when the dog wouldn’t stop barking at him, he unsheathed a machete and hacked the dogs leg clear off his body.

Snot and tears dribble down Cindy’s face to her chin. The pain of an animal is not new to her – what is new is how people can just walk him by, oblivious to a dog in so much need. She wipes her tears and holds up her cell-phone…

77 animal lovers, 23 shares and 3 days later she finds an organization willing to help. Peedu’s People has the same beliefs Cindey has about veganism and kindness to animals. Inder sets off 300 miles away to check on the dog and gets the wound treated and maggots removed. 5 days of treatments later the wound starts to scab over and the dog starts to get up and eat copious amounts of food. He starts showing some of his quirky personality. He’s fun and wants to play, he has a girlfriend who has been sitting by his side and watching him heal everyday. He is pushy towards her and he starts being what we would later call- ‘ass-holey’. Once we save a dog- we name him.

An ass-hole dog, who loves to play and loves affection and has one leg hacked off- who else could he be but; Long John Silver.


3 syllabus names are funny for most people- but when a dog gets a name like such- he gets more of a swag to his weird gait. Soon we have a happy and healthy Long John Silver (LJS) who is prancing on the same sand-pile with his GF and since she is such a darling to him- she gets the name, Clementine.

So begins the search of finding a home for LJS. For months Peedu’s People gets no response. Then one day, 5 months later, out of the blue shows up the ultimate savior, Niz Khan. She agrees to rescue and place him in the UK but after 5 months we do not know if LJS is still alive.

Peedu’s People take off on the task of looking for him. Tina and Inder drive the 300 miles and search every nook and cranny of the Amritsar Railway station but LJS is nowhere to be found. Tired eyes and straining backs are about to give up when Tina points to a spot on the platform. Inder turns to her, Tina’s eyes are wide and she’s trying to mouth something but no words are coming out. Inder stares in the direction she’s pointing.

There he is, playing with a 3-year old kid, rolling on the ground. His now pink stump in the air as he flops on his back. Tina calls out to him and touches his face with the kindest of touches. LJS is now all hers. Inder picks him up and puts him in the car.

“We found him…we got him”, Tina keeps repeating to Niz over the phone. Tears of relief roll down her eyes and all Niz can think of is, “Where’s Clemetine?”

Tina gasps, “She’s right here.” She focuses on Clementine standing atop a hand drawn cart.

“Let’s get her too.” Niz says.



The two dogs have been snoring in the air-conditioned car. The harsh sun is beating down on the parched 45 degree celsius ground as the car races towards Chandigarh. The dogs are safe but a far way away from their ultimate foster-home in England.

6 months later, Clementine has been adopted. She is such a darling dog that she was sought after by several adopters. LJS, The ass-hole dog is still at the fosters.

But is he really an ass-hole dog?

The answer is NO.


He is pushy to other dogs but that’s because as a handicapped dog he had to compete with healthy dogs on the streets for months. His pushiness has made him survive but he never bites another dog.

He got a lot of sympathy from passengers at the railway station but he got no affection. He lives for human affection. He will walk up to you on the tube in London and sit in front of you till you pet his brown head with cute black ears. His tail will wag till he knocks of some beer-mugs off the tables at the local pub. He will engage with every kid in the park. He is a drama queen for affection.

Imagine the pain and the fear a dog would have of a human if a human had hacked a leg off with a machete.

But LJS HAS FORGIVEN HUMANs for the sake of humanity.

He is still up for adoption and he is an excellent spokes-dog for his brother and sister strays that languish on the streets in India and elsewhere in the world. He struts his stuff on 3 legs everywhere in London. He is most at home in trains and at railway stations.

So if you are on the tube in London or national rail to Streatham Commons and you see an brown asshole, tripod dog sitting in front of you and wagging his tail for affection; please give him some because he really really really deserves it.

